Here You Are!

Desktop Format ~ infinity² ~ 15 x 15 cm

€160 (including postage & insurance)

How to acquire your unique…

infinity² ~ desktop painting

  1. To purchase, simply hit the orange “Adopt Me!” button on this page and this unique Infinity² puzzle painting is yours!
  2. A hand-painted black wooden easel and backing card is included with your infinity² desktop puzzle painting. This allows you to display it immediately on your desk, shelf or anywhere else you can think of!
  3. Postage, packing and insurance are included in the price. I will be shipping your painting from France, but you are welcome to come to Paris and collect it over a coffee and a croissant if you like!
  4. I offer a 10% discount if you order more than one infinity² desktop paintings. Feel free to contact me through the form below if you have any questions or special requests – or just to say hello – infinite thanks!